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Click on the below links to know about skin, skin care and treatments.

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It consists of an outer, protective layer (Epidermis) and an inner, living layer (Dermis). The top layer of the epidermis is composed of dead cells containing Keratin, the horny scleroprotein that also makes up hair and nails.

Skin, in anatomy, is a protective organ covering the external surface of the body. The skin forms a protective barrier against the action of physical, chemical and bacterial agents on the deeper tissues and contains the special end organs for the various sensations commonly grouped as the sense of touch. Though the activity of its sweat glands and blood vessels, it is important in maintaining body temperature.

When the body temperature rises, radiant energy or heat is lost due to vascular dilation and increased blood flow to the skin surface. When the temperature is low blood vessels constrict to reduce blood flow and subsequent heat loss through the skin. Each square inch of skin also contains hundreds of sweat glands that are controlled by a heat regulation centre in the brain.

These glands curtail moisture, which evaporates, cools the body surface and helps maintain normal body temperature. In this capacity the skin acts as an excretory organ. The skin is elastic, and except a few areas such as palms, soles or ears, is loosely attached to underlying tissues. The colour of skin varies normally with the amount of pigment deposited in the skin cells as governed by heredity and by exposure to sunlight. The colour also varies in disease because of difference in pigment.

In structure the skin is composed of two distinct layers. The outer layers called the epidermis or cuticle, is several cells thick and has an external horny layer of dead cells that is constantly shed from the surface and replaced from below by a basal layer of cells, the stratums germinatium. The inner layer, called the corium or dermis, is composed of a network of collagen and elastic fibres, blood vessels, nerves, fatlobules and the based of hair follicles and sweat glands. The interface between the epidermis and dermis is extremely irregular and consists of a succession of papillae, or finger like projection, which are smallest where the skin is thin and longest in the skin of the palms and soles. The papillae of the palms and soles are associated with elevations of the epidermis, which produce ridges that are the basis for finger print identification.

Sweat glands are found on every part of body. They are numerous on palms and soles but relatively spare on the skin of the back. Each glands consists of coiled tubules that are situated in the subcutaneous tissue and a duct that extends through the dermis and forms a convoluted spiral through the epidermis.

Skin Pigmentation
Pigmentation of the skin, eyes, and hair is determined by the presence of melanin in cells of the epidermis called melanocytes. Varying amounts of melanin determine colour in both skin type and body part. Overexposure to UV rays causes tanning and burning.
Variations in Skin Colour
Skin colour is determined by cells called melanocytes. All races have the same number of these cells. Within the melanocytes are structures called melanosomes, which produce the pigment melanin. Black skin melanocytes have not only larger, but more melanosomes than white skin. Because of their dark skin color, Africans are better protected against skin cancer and premature wrinkling from sun exposure.
Skin can generally be categorised into these 4 categories:
Normal Dry
  • well balanced skin secretions
  • small or closed pores
  • smooth and clear
  • supple
  • fresh and radiant
  • lacking oil or sebaceous secretions
  • matte appearance
  • dry flaky patches
  • small or minimised pores
  • feels tight and uncomfortable
  • fine lines, especially around eyes and mouth
  • Causes - climate, hereditary, medication, diet, under functioning sebaceous glands
Oily Combination
  • produces excess oil and sebum
  • enlarged pores
  • blocked pores, blackheads, whiteheads, acne
  • blemishes and scars
  • Causes - over-active sebaceous glands, hormones, climate, incorrect homecare products, Diet, hereditary
  • oily T-zone and dry cheeks
  • enlarged pores on T-zone
  • shiny T-zone o blackheads, whiteheads or acne on T-zone
  • dry dehydrated cheeks
  • Causes - incorrect skincare products, overly active sebaceous glands in the T zone


Acne is a disorder of the hair follicles in which comedones (blackheads) develop in the skin. When there is increased flow from the sebaceous (oil) glands in the dermis combined with increased shedding of dead skin cells, the oil-cell mixture can block the opening of the follicle and form a comedone (plural, comedones). If the clogged follicle becomes infected with bacteria, inflammation and a closed pus-filled comedone (pustule) may develop.

  • Causes and Risk Factors:
  • Teenagers develop acne at a higher rate than other age groups. This is because hormone production during puberty increases the output of the sebaceous glands and the rate of skin-cell turnover within the follicles. However, children as young as 5 years old and adults can develop acne as well. In young women, it often worsens and improves with the rise and fall of hormone levels during the menstrual cycle.

    There is a genetic predisposition for acne; that is, people whose family members have acne are also likely to have it.
    Stress may also significantly affect acne. The condition often worsens during times of stress and improves during more stable periods.

    Many people believe that poor dietary habits can cause acne. Foods with high sugar and fat content, such as chocolate, are thought to affect the skin follicles. However, there is no clinical evidence to support this. Studies show no connection between junk food and acne. Some patients find that certain foods, such as dairy products, worsen acne.

    Propionibacteria acnes are the common bacterial cause of skin infection that accompanies acne. These bacteria are present whether the patient has adolescent, persistent, or adult-onset acne.

  • Signs and Symptoms:
  • The first sign of acne is comedones. They appear most often on the face, chest, back, and shoulders. Bacteria populations can grow quickly in comedones. If the follicle wall ruptures, an inflammatory lesion develops. Redness, swelling, and pus-filled lesions accompany infection.

    Inflammation that persists can result in the formation of a large, often-painful acne cyst or nodule (a collection of inflammatory cells). When a cyst heals, it can leave a pitted, discoloured scar, known as a pockmark Acne scars frequently heal by themselves after the underlying problem has been treated. However, sometimes they don't heal, particularly in the case of black skin, which is very prone to scarring and discolouration.

    See Dibi Puriderm Facial, Four Seasons Facial, Glycolic Facial Acne can also be treated from a holistic perspective, by looking at diet and supplements.

  • Healthgate Holistic Treatment Plan For Acne:
  • From a naturopathic viewpoint, acne is an external manifestation of an internal imbalance. As with many naturopathic treatments, nutrition is fundamental to treating acne. The body makes the oil (sebum) secreted by the sebaceous glands from the fats that are eaten. If poor quality fats (saturated fats, trans-fatty acids) are eaten, the body produces poor quality oil. If good quality fats (olive oil, fish oil, flaxseed oil) are eaten, the body produces good quality oil. Poor quality oil does not flow adequately, so it clogs pores and attracts bacteria. Good quality oil flows well and nourishes the skin.
  • Nutrition:
  • Eat a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. Include vegetables, seaweeds, fish (cold-water fish like salmon, sardines, trout, and haddock), whole grains, sprouts, and fruits in the diet.
  • Avoid fried foods, dairy products, processed foods, junk food, sugar, margarine, nut butters, citrus (except lemon juice), caffeine, food that aggravates the acne, and food sensitivities. Determine food sensitivities by having an allergy test.
  • Drink ½ of body weight in ounces of water daily (e.g., a 150 lb person would drink 75 oz of water).
  • Supplements:
  • Brewer's yeast-Take 1 tbsp 3 time's daily.
  • Chromium-Take 400 mcg daily.
  • Flaxseed oil-Take 1-2 tbsp daily.
  • Selenium-Take 200 mcg daily.
  • Vitamin A-Take 100,000 IUs daily. Toxicity to Vitamin A can occur at doses of 20,000 IU daily;therefore, use vitamin A only with a physician's supervision. It is possible that the acne may return several months after discontinuing vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B-6-Take 50 mg 3 times daily.
  • Vitamin C-Take 1000 mg daily.
  • Vitamin E-Take 400 IUs daily.
  • Zinc-Take 50 mg daily (particularly for males).
  • Herbal Medicine:
  • Herbs are used to treat acne by cleansing the blood. When toxins accumulate in the blood, the liver works less efficiently and cannot metabolize hormones effectively, which leads to skin eruptions (i.e., an external manifestation of an internal imbalance).
    • Burdock (Arctium lappa)-Used as a blood purifier when taken internally and as an antibacterial when applied topically.
    • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)-Used as a liver purifier. The leaves may be applied topically in a poultice.
    • Chaste tree berry (Vitex agnus)-Indicated for acne associated with the menstrual period.
    • Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)-Used as a liver cleanser.
    • Red clover (Trifolium pratense)-Used as a blood purifier.
    • Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)-Used as a skin disinfectant; it kills many organisms and penetrates the skin layer. Tea tree oil may be applied directly (sparingly) to the pimple. If irritation occurs, which is uncommon, use diluted tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has a very strong, medicinal odor.
  • Other Recommendations:
  • Avoid exposure to oils and greases.
  • Avoid medications that contain bromides or iodides.
  • Avoid touching the face. Hands can transmit oil and bacteria. Do not pick or pop pimples.
  • Avoid the use of greasy face creams or cosmetics.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not wash the affected area with soap
  • Enquire about Dibi Puriderm, Glycolic, Four Seasons Facials and treatments
Most skin diseases occur in all types of skin, regardless of the pigment of the skin. However, certain skin problems are more prevalent in black skins
  • Dry or "Ashy Skin"
  • Dry skin is a problem for individuals of all skin colours, but may be very distressing to persons with black skin because of its greyish, "ashy" appearance. Using moisturizers regularly can help tremendously. However, if they are too greasy they may create acne and blocked pores. Regular exfoliation and hydration is essential to keep this condition at bay.

    Ashiness can also affect the scalp. Pomades that make the hair more manageable can decrease scalp dryness, but may aggravate the dryness of seborrhea. If pomade spreads to the forehead it can block pores, causing pimples called pomade acne. If this occurs, stop using the pomade or apply it one inch behind the hairline.

    Pomade can also contribute to a bacterial infection of the scalp called folliculitis. Folliculitis produces pus, bumps, and redness around the hair. It can also cause hair loss or can spread infection. If this occurs, discontinue using the pomade and see a dermatologist.

    Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation is quite common in black skins even after minor trauma. An area of the skin may darken after an injury such as a cut or a scrape, or after certain skin disorders such as acne. Treatment of acne will usually prevent development of dark spots, and old dark spots will resolve with time.

    If you get a rash, treat skin gently. To avoid or reduce post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, avoid picking, harsh scrubbing, and abrasive treatments.

    Enquire about Dibi Glycolics, Retin Olos, Olos Prescription facials, Four Seasons Facials

  • Keloids (Scar)
  • When the scar from a cut or wound extends and spreads beyond the size of the original wound, it is known as a keloid. Keloids may vary in size, shape, and location. They occur more often in black skin.

    Keloids are common on the ear lobes, neck, hands, or forearms, and usually occur after an injury or infection. Occasionally they occur spontaneously, especially on the mid-chest area. Keloids often follow the injury caused by acne on the face, chest, and back. Some people develop keloids after surgery (i.e. they may appear on the ear lobes after ear piercing).

    Folliculitis Keloidalis: Some black men, especially those who use razors for cutting hair on the back of their necks, develop keloid-like scars on the back of their necks. The area may itch and sometimes becomes infected. Treatment consists of oral antibiotics, topical acne products, and topical or injected cortisone. When severe, the area of involvement may need to be removed surgically or with a laser. Early treatment can prevent large keloids, so see a dermatologist as soon as the lesions appear.

    Ingrown Hairs of the Beard (Razor Bumps): The hair shafts of African men are curved. This is true of beard hair as well as other body hair. After shaving, especially close shaving; the beard's sharp pointed hair may turn back into the skin. It may pierce the wall of the hair follicle, causing a reaction resulting in bumps. Dermatologists call this condition "Pseudofolliculitis Barbae." Growing a beard is one solution to this problem. This will cure the condition, but is not always an option.

    Men with ingrown hairs ("hair bumps") should try different methods of hair removal. Shaving with a special type of safety razor that does not permit a very close shave may help. After applying lather or shaving cream, wait to let the soap soften the beard. Shave only in the direction of the hair growth, not against the stubble. Don't stretch the skin during shaving and don't shave on a daily basis. If hairs begin to ingrow, lift them up with an alcohol-cleaned needle (don't tweeze or pluck) just before shaving. Occasionally, using a toothbrush or rough washcloth before shaving or bedtime may loosen hairs about to grow inward.

    Chemical depilatories remove hair but should only be used every two days or less, and should not be used alternately with a razor. They must be wiped off promptly according to package directions. Wash your face twice with soap and water immediately afterwards to guard against irritation.

    Electrolysis, the permanent removal of hair performed by an experienced operator, may be an effective solution for this problem. Alternatively ask about Dibi Glycolic treatment.


This cannot be reversed and despite the benefits of having black skin with respect to protection, as we get older, skin dries out, hardens, loses elasticity, and eventually begins to wrinkle. Exposure to the sun is an important factor and can make you seem years older than you are. It's a myth that black skin won't be damaged through overexposure to the sun.

Very dark skin has a natural SPF (sun protection factor) of about six or eight. On its own, this is insufficient to guard against sun damage. White skin, in contrast, has a built-in SPF of around two to four, depending on the amount of melanin present.

All skin is at risk of sun damage if left exposed for too long. Although people with olive, brown or black skins may be less at risk from sunburn, no one is immune. There's really not a big difference where white and black skin is concerned. The risks are the same.

Melanin, the substance that determines skin colour, acts as a natural barrier against sun damage. Sun exposure stimulates the body to produce more melanin in the form of a tan, as an attempt at self-preservation.

But melanin can only do so much, as it isn't an absolute barrier, and developing a tan is a sign that damage has already occurred.

Overexposure to the sun can result in sunburn, sunstroke, and vision problems such as cataracts, premature ageing, and most seriously, skin cancer. Skin exposed to the sun loses elasticity and wrinkles more easily.

And here's the worst news: sun damage is cumulative and irreversible.

  • Watch out for skin cancer
  • Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, has a lower incidence among black populations - yet the prognosis is often worse for those whom it does affect. This is because black skin is prone to an especially aggressive form of melanoma called accral lentiginous melanoma. Another reason is that the disease is often detected when the cancer is already widespread, because people don't realise that they might be at risk. With early diagnosis, most melanomas can be easily removed.

    Most melanomas in black skin occur on palms, fingers, under the nails, toes, and the soles of the feet. Watch out for any mole that changes in colour, size, or elevation. Tumours can appear as flat, darker patches of coloured skin, or be raised above the skin in a cone or round shape, and the border is often irregular.

  • Prevention is better than cure
  • The rules are simple: wear a hat and a decent pair of sunglasses, and cover up with sunblock. Stay out of the sun completely; cover up as much as possible under umbrellas and hats. Use a very high sun block every day, not just on the days when you'll be lying in the sun. Avoid being outside when the sun's rays are most intense, i.e. between 10am and 3pm. Always use a sunblock of at least SPF 15, even on a cloudy day, or while driving.
    Your sunblock is effective if it blocks out both UVA and UVB, and should contain reflective ingredients such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or helioprotect. Always reapply at regular intervals and after swimming.
  • Causes of Irregular Pigmentation:
  • Sun exposure
    Birth control pills and hormone treatment with Estrogens
    Inflammation from insect bites, acne, trauma, or other causes
  • Treatment
  • Ask your Dibi therapist about a course of Glycolic facials and homecare products

Young Normal
Olos Herbarium range - Prescription facial, Four Seasons Facial

Young oily combination
Puriderm range - Four seasons, Olos facial, Prescription facial, Glycolic facial

Young dry
Olos Herbarium range - Prescription facial, Four Seasons facial, Glycolic facial

Sensitive young Normal to Dry under 35
Frutti di Bosca range - Prescription facial, Fitomarina eye treatment,

Young sun damaged
Vitamin Plus range - Vitabiloba facial, Glycolic facial, Dibitron M, Revitalising Vitamin facial

Dull, dry skin build up
Vitamin Plus - Glycolic facial, Four seasons facial, Vitabiloba Energising facial,

Mature, pigmented 35+
Retin Olos - Glycolic facial, Revitalising Vitamin facial, Nuovopelle regenerating facial, Four Seasons

Stressed, tired, damaged 35+
Vitabiloba - Vitabiloba Energising facial, glycolic facial, revitalising vitamin facial, Dibitron M, Four seasons

Very damaged, pigmentation, scarring all ages
Glycolic - Glycolic facial, Nuovopelle Superactive facial

First sign of ageing, fine lines
Nuovopelle dark blue - Nuovopelle Superactive facial, Zen facial, Dibitron M, Four seasons,

Lacking elasticity 40-60
Nuovopelle silver - Dibitron M, Nuovopelle Superactive facial, Zen Facial

Old, wrinkled 60+
Nuovopelle Gold - Dibitron M, Nuovopelle Superactive, Nuovopelle Regenerating facial,

Older sensitive and dry
Nuovopelle peach - Zen facial, Prescription facial, Nuovopelle Superactive facial

Older acne 30 +
Nuovopelle green - sebocontrol - Glycolic facial, Four Seasons facial, Olos Puriderm facial, Revitalising facial

Dibi has developed an advanced beauty program to successfully counteract the aging of theskin and to moisturise and revitalise as well as treating common skin problems. Designed and developed by DIBI and Mitsubishi, a Japanese Advanced Technological System Manufacturer, the Four Seasons machine utilises ultra sound.
The Machine effectively performs 3 phases:
    • Deep peeling
    • Increase penetration of active ingredients
    • Reactivation of Lymphatic Drainage
Results are achieved immediately, which include a lifting, firming and toning effect, smoothing of lines and wrinkles, removal of blocked pores and toxins from the skin. Exceptional results are seen around the eye area giving an instant anti-aging effect and helping to remove dark circles and puffiness. The synergy of the Four Seasons treatment combined with the application of highly active professional products and their combined use at home have outstanding results.

DIBITRON M is a new and original method created in the DIBI research and developmentlaboratories. The treatment stimulates microcirculation; facilitates the removal of toxins, relaxes facial features, tones the skin and provides an anti-stress action.

The machine consists of a mask with a series of cushions whose inflation and deflationreproduces the effects of compression and decompression massage. The results are not limited to the mechanical action, but also have an effect at a nervous, chemical and psychological level.

Results include

  • Nourishment and Oxygenation of the cells
  • Elimination of toxins that cause puffiness in the face.
  • Relaxing the feature of the face, minimising wrinkles and expression lines.
  • Tonifying the skin making it more elastic, compact and luminous.
  • Creating a feeling of calmness and well-being.

Optimum results are achieved with a course of treatments. The overall effect is like having Botox without the needle.


Zen Yin Harmonising Facial Treatment
A personalized treatment ritual for women. Includes a relaxing back massage and a tailor made facial for all skin types.

Prescription Facial - Click for image
Personalised to suit your individual skin type, using plant and marine extracts to balance, refresh and moisturise the skin.

Olos Natura Purifying Facial - Click for image
A facial using the natural actions of fruit acids to combat and regulate oily and acneic skin types. Encourages a clean, matt appearance whilst minimizing open pores.

Revitalising Vitamin Facial - Click for image
A facial for people who want to achieve dynamic results through the regenerative, moisturizing and antioxidant action of vitamins A, C and E.

Vitabiloba Energizing Facial - Click for image
A facial to bring vitality to a dull, tired, stressed or damaged skin.

Nuovapelle Regenerating Facial - Click for image
Using hydro-soluble collagen in a serum this facial helps to rehydrate and has an anti-aging action.

Nuovapelle Superactive Facial - Click for image
Helps to firm and tone the skin, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.

Glycolic Acid Renewing Facial - Click for image
Has renewing properties to help treat imperfections such as acne, pigmentation markings and scarring. It will also restore the balance to an oily or dry skin while helping to minimize fine lines and wrinkles. A course of treatments is recommended to obtain optimum results.

Fitomarina Eye Treatment - Click for image
A calming, soothing and anti-ageing treatment using marine extracts, helps to remove dark circles and puffiness from the eye contour area.

Nuovapelle Collagen Eye Treatment - Click for image
Rich in collagen this intensive treatment softens lines and wrinkles around the delicate eye area.

Fitoessences - Click for image
Pure essential oils for all skin types, which enhance the action of the professional treatment. There are five fitoessences, each one will treat a specific skin condition and perform a vital function. Each fitoessence is made up of essential oils suspended in a tryglyceride; this ensures the essential oils remain stable and constant throughout the whole product. When applied to the skin the triglyceride will evaporate leaving the essential oils to be absorbed. The aroma gives an immediate sense of well-being.

Puriderm - Click for image
A purifying range for oil/acne prone skins under the age of 30. Contains Thyolsine, which has oil regulating properties, and fruit acids which provide continual exfoliation. Helps to keep the skin matt and glowing.

Fitomarina - Click for image
Fitomarina is for a normal skin type below the age of 30. The range is rich in Marine Plankton, from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and Algae extracts, which help to oxygenate, hydrate and stimulate cellular activity leaving the skin smoother, softer and deeply hydrated.

Fruitti Di Bosco - Click for image
A pleasantly fragranced range that gives soothing protection to a sensitive skin. Formulated with natural extracts of Bilberry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Black current, Vitamins and other soothing and reparative ingredients. The collection provides an effective treatment for delicate complexions.

Herbarium - Click for image
Moisturising and anti-wrinkle for normal to dry skin. This botanically based collection helps combat the visible signs of ageing, including dryness, dehydration, lines and wrinkles. Rich in the concentrated bud extracts from Lilac, Rose, Almond and Linden, Herbarium stimulates the skin's essential functions giving a preventative action and protection leaving the skin moisturised, smooth, supple and radiant.

Vitamin is a range of products designed to protect the skin from environmental damage. They effectively prevent and slow down the damage caused by free radicals and U.V radiation. Vitamin is most suitable for a young skin to prevent aging, with regular use the synergic action of the vitamin complex progressively increases epidermal resilience keeping if fresh and vital.

Vitamin Plus - Click for image
A turn back the clock vitamin cocktail for maturing skins (aged 25+). This range achieves dynamic results through the regenerative, moisturising and anti oxidant action of Vitamins A, B5, C & E. In combination with fruit acids it will help build up the skins defences against the environment protecting against pollution, UV radiation, smoking and toxic fumes. It will reduce visible signs of ageing such as wrinkles and loss of elasticity. Skin is left smooth and more compact.

Vitabiloba - Click for image
Bursting with energizing ingredients, Vitabiloba will bring renewed energy to stressed, tired and damaged skins. Designed to help skin regain the vitality, luminosity, tone and balance that stress pollution and U.V light has taken away. Vitabiloba will stimulate cell renewal and fight the harmful effects of free radicals, while the scent of orange oil will bring well-being to both skin and senses. Suitable for all skin types over the age of 35.

Nuovapelle is a complete range of products to treat all skin types over the age of 30. They will help to protect against ageing, slowing down the formation of wrinkles and helping to minimise any existing ones. As the skin ages the percentage of water in the skin's outer layer decreases, skin gets drier, loses elasticity and tone and begins to line and wrinkle. To address these problems, DIBI created the Nuovapelle professional treatments and a range of high performance products for home use.

Moisturising Vitalizing - Click for image
A moisturising range for normal to dry skin types aged 30-40 years old. Based on pure soluble collagen, vegetable and soya proteins, wheat germ and vitamins A and E. It brings moisture to a skin just starting to show the signs of ageing. The skin is left soft and smooth with fine lines diminished.

Skin Toning Anti-Wrinkle - Click for image
This range is designed to increase cell renewal and combat free radical damage that cause premature skin ageing. It will help to tighten, tone and smooth skin. Rich in anti-ageing vitamins A and E and rejuvenating Salicylic acid, also ingredients such as Horse chestnut, Shea butter, Avocado and Ginseng extract. The products are aimed at clients aged between 40 and 60.

Restorative/Anti-Wrinkle - Click for image
A range to treat skin lacking in vitality, due to ageing, stress or fatigue. This range will help to restore the moisture content making the skin smoother, brighter and more resilient. Most suitable for clients aged 60 plus although a younger skin that is dry will benefit from this range as a booster treatment. The main active ingredients are Hyaluronic acid, soothing Aloe Vera and Vitamins A and E.

Delicate and Sensitive
Rich in soothing and energising plant extracts of Bilberry, Linden and Chamomile. This collection calms a delicate and sensitive skin, especially if it has become red and irritated from the environment. It will make the skin feel more comfortable and boost it's natural defences whilst slowing down the sign of ageing.

Sebocontrol - Click for image
A collection of oil balancing products containing alphahydroxy acids to improve the skin texture and prevent blocked pores. It reduces shine and keeps the skin matt without causing irritation or stripping it of the natural moisture it needs to look fresh and healthy. There is also mushroom extract to help close open pores, and Vitamins A and E to slow down the signs of ageing.

Eye Contour - Click for image
This range is specially designed to hydrate and protect the delicate skin around the eyes, while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It uses plant extracts combined with collagen and hyaluronic acid to restore the moisture balance leaving the skin smooth and supple.




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